Simply put i had enough of these "Celebrity Dick Riders" i mean seriously what the fuck people. How many people, women inparticular do you hear say something like "Trey Songz is my baby daddy" Lmao yall be killing me with that shit, just think about it, -->>YOU<<-- say you want a good man but you call a dude your baby daddy, not your husband but your "baby daddy" (WIZZBARZ DEFINITION OF BABY DADDY: NOT ALWAYS BUT, USUALLY A NIGGA THAT LACKS THE NECESSARY REQUIREMENTS TO BE A GOOD FATHER LOVING BOTH THE MRS. AND THE KIDS... A BROKE BITCH ASS NIGGA) SMH but on the otherhand ladies i see bogus bullshit from yall daily, seriously how many good men will you fuck over due to the previous relationship. Ladies are you not worthy of marriage or is it that the "i want a good man" shit, is just that shit ---> BULLSHIT THAT IS. You know what i got it imma call you HE MA BABY DADDY SCEAMING HOES ---> "Celecky's" cause i swear twitter freaks A.K.A "BECKY" sit there making love to celebs with over 100.000 followers like they see that 1 tweet nonsense, as usual the freaks get no response... So what do the "Celecky's" do they get nastier thinking maybe he is just looking past my tweet because he wants more. SMH all bullshit aside i have come to the conclusion that many people pretty much are "TWEETSTITUTING" and dont realize it. I have followers that send me #twitterafterdark comments in hopes i follow them, people please know i am no damn celeb i dont follow for freaks i follow for laughs, pure 100% crack enttertainment. Truthfully i see it like this FUCK a celebrity...please tell me what they have done to alter your life in a promising way...DONT EVEN ANSWER <--- AUTOMATIC FAIL BITCH... If your offended then perhaps im on my way to becoming the next big thing... MA TWITT FAM KNOW WHATS UP...FUCK A CELEB I #ROAST YALL TOAST "3 CHEERS BITCHES"
About Me

- Cheflifejay
- Northridge, California, United States
- I only appear to be here, I really live in a world of my own.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Posted by Cheflifejay at 6:02 PM
Posted by Cheflifejay at 5:58 PM
Is He Cheating?
9 times out of 10 your that females claiming you know exactly when your man is cheating. Now lets pause and be realistic for a second. If you knew when a man was cheating you would be selling that knowledge to those dingy, clearly blind females around you correct? Ok then so stop that B.S. Men cheat just like women cheat, now honestly i don't know if women are better at cheating and not getting caught, or if men are just dumber therefore more trusting of you ladies. Whatever the case may be both sexes cheat, but how do you know when they are cheating? LOL well that's simple, many people believe there are signs but truth is signs that works for one does not mean the next is doing the same because you see that identical sign. Truthfully there is no way to know when someone is truly cheating unless you catch them in the act, of pay "CHEATERS". In other words either ruin your relationship by playing "I SPY" or be confident and do you. A good man or woman will do what they wanna do regardless, life is about your happiness if someone is bringing you down cut that hoe loose. Excess baggage is just that baggage no one says you have to travel with baggage, buy new shit when you reach your destination, same concept with men and women. Look at it like this... if you think you have a good relationship don't go fucking it up second guessing yourself. Unless you feel there is a reason A REAL REASON to question your significant other, just keep doing what you have been doing. And if they do slip up and gve you a clear cut reason, well then leave the trash...Like jay-Z said "ON TO THE NEXT ONE!!!"
Posted by Cheflifejay at 3:05 AM
Labels: Realationship
Monday, October 19, 2009
"Im in there"
I'm in there, did lots of thinking about it but wasn't sure i would actually go through with this blog fantasy. I'm happy to say have no fear Wizzbarz is here, yeah i know gay right? But truth is most of the shit people read is gay along with the shit they see on t.v. and then decide its cool enough to be the so called new fad. I mean WTF for instance "skinny jeans" what the hell is this gay epidemic since when did it become OK to wear your little sisters pants. Seriously people whats next women start wearing male jock straps, or men start taking birth control this shit is bananas. Someone needs to contact the NewBoyz and slap them, then slap their mothers, then slap the next 60 people you see wearing that up surd bullshit. If you don't agree eat a dick, choke on that same dick, then tell Hitler life is better without him cause your for sure going to hell for supporting this bullshit todays society loves to call fashion... Good Night and fuck you I'm WIZZ CATCH ME IF YOU CAN.
Posted by Cheflifejay at 1:43 AM