The story of our lives... Waiting for love, i'm sure I'm not the only one to ask "does true love really exist?". I think the answer is actually a little more simple than we may think... True love exist only if you open your heart and accept the right one. But then that brings about the next question, "how do you know they are the right one?". Now that, that question right there is not as easy to answer. I can say it like this I don't believe there is one true love, on the contrary I believe there are many. The person in which you believe to be the one, will be the one that best suits your needs or whom you feel is most compatible with YOU. There is no ONE perfect person, no man nor woman is "perfect" we are all simply human, but there are those whom we feel are "perfect" for us. Every man and every woman is going to have problems or flaws, it's up to us to find the one with the least that we can most tolerate. I advise you if your truly looking for someone, that "one" true love DON'T... We don't find love, love finds us, and it always does so when we least expect it. On another note if love does find you don't be the person that rushes things the last thing you wanna do is wait for love, only to scare love away. Life, Love, and Harmony are magical for those who wait... Let life develope we don't have all the time in the world, but we do have just enough to where we don't have to make ill advised decisions. That doesn't mean we won't make mistakes lol that alone is inevitable, our selfless mistakes are what build our characters. Believe it or not relationships are built on mistakes they are what make relationships stronger, they allow us to know if we can make it through the hard times not just cruise through the good ones. They allow us to be in touch with reality and not base our relationship on fantasy Snow White ass dreams. Life is difficult and with that so is love, so if you get that opportunity to share your love with someone you believe in and believes in you, DON'T BLOW IT. There are many people out there to love, but only a few will truly love you back. Ladies a "GOOD" man is hard to find, don't blow it with your insecurities, I know a lot of dogs have messed I up for the good ones remaining... But you have to find a way to LET YOUR PAST BE YOUR PAST... Don't bring the drama and doubts from your last relationship into your new one, life is about taking risk. In order to love you have to take the chance you may be hurt... No one ever really gets it right on the first try. Like I said no one is perfect, but there is someone that's perfect for you.
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About Me

- Cheflifejay
- Northridge, California, United States
- I only appear to be here, I really live in a world of my own.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Waiting for Love
Posted by Cheflifejay at 6:35 PM
Detached from the Needy Emotionless
As the days go by each person gets a little older... For me, with that so do emotions. After a certain amount of time passes you learn to separate yourself from the emotions of others, you stop caring what the next has to say. Well I take that back some do, others live for the compliment of the next, and die by the put down of the present. Sadly I call those individuals the weak, those whom have yet to adapt to todays society. Everyone has a friend or three that are just hands down fucking NEEDY... Like everytime you turn around that hoe can't be alone always wanting something. Me personally I laugh like "what did you do before you had a cellphone, or a computer and still had no car," my guess you banged your head against handrails enjoying the pain fascinated by the blood. Needless to say NEEDY hoes can be both men and women, but tend to be women more than they do men... Simply because women, not all but a vast majority act like down right ATTENTION WHORES. Tell me there is no truth to that statement and I will officially make this my last post... PAUSE 4 RESPONSES... Yeah I didn't think so, the needy are irrelevant if you starve those hoes they will learn, if you continue to feed the urge you come to a Octo Mom sized brick wall. The only thing I feed NEEDY muhfuccas is my emotionless DICK oops did I say that, ohh wait this is my blog. From Myspace hoes to Twitter hoes the NEEDY will always be there... Time to weed these simpleton chimps the fuck out. OFFENDED by this post is anyway hit me on Twitter with a "I'm offended" comment @wizzbarz I will respond accordingly... Don't know wizz send the tweet and find out!!! Have a great day lmao
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Posted by Cheflifejay at 1:25 AM
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
"Tis the Season"
Posted by Cheflifejay at 10:59 PM