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About Me

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Northridge, California, United States
I only appear to be here, I really live in a world of my own.


Tuesday, November 24, 2009

"Tis the Season"

I hate to say it but it seems its the season for how do you say, "Break Up's" real talk beware the bug is in the air. It almost makes you think a little deeper, with the timing of the break up is it the recession, or is it planned out due to the fact that Christmas is right around the corner. I think about these kinds of things maybe thats just the asshole in me, but then again maybe there is some real truth to it. Whatever the case may be this bug is definitely going around, relationships are dropping faster than J Lo at the AMA's. I know that last comment was wrong but shit its the truth something is going on, take a minute and ask yourself how many of your friends have dropped thier other half these last few months, or are on the verdge of doing so. i mean c'mon son this use to be a season of togetherness, both family wise and relationship wise but i cant help but say it TIMES ARE CHANGING. More and more people are falling out of love and im not talking those fake ass Celebrity bullshit relationships, lowkey thats all publicity but thats another post another time. But seriously im talking about the people you see everyday, that relationship that you tell yourself "they always argue but even through it they look so in love". Well I bet you never thought it would come to a end did you. I know i was one of those people saying "they always argue but it makes making up that much better" smh i was wrong too, PERSONALLY i think its Wendy Williams putting the bug in everybody ear that nigga is the problem for everything. No but in all seriousness if you ask me relationships are failing because we as a people are falling further and further away from the state of reasoning. We are not able to talk about the problems we have so we rush our final judgement before we really know what it is we wanna do. We make mistakes as humans but have almost completely gotten to the point where we truly dont feel there is anything we have done wrong. Our imperfections make us human, but our will to forgive allows us to love... somewhere down the line we need to remember no love not worth working for is worth having, every relationship has their up and down... NO GRUDGE HELD IS WORTH LOSING THE ONE YOU LOVE, LIVE, LEARN, FORGIVE ...NO ONE EVER SAID FORGET