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About Me

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Northridge, California, United States
I only appear to be here, I really live in a world of my own.


Thursday, March 25, 2010

Are we done boo?

When you find yourself asking "is this it, is this the moment when we call it a quits are we done have we reached the end of the road". Then you know the stress level has hit maximum on not only you, but your partner as well. See now the problem with that is it's almost like it becomes a game, you begin to wonder which one of you is going to say it out loud. I mean isn't that what each and every individual in a struggling relationship really waits for, that confirmation that things are DONE...OVER!!! But see I believe that the reason people wait for it from the other rather then be bold and say it themselves, is because deep down we all doubt the heart. I mean seriously think about it we all say "trust your heart" but can we really trust it with choice of this magnitude. Stop and think for a second, for most of us when we get made the heart says "fuck them" but once we calm down that same heart, towards that same person says "I love them". I don't know about yours but my heart is unstable, I trust it but at the same time I trust the information I have gathered and the possiblity of human error more. I'm sure the confusion of what I said has had ample amount of time to set in, so let me put things like this... When you get to that point of "is this it, are we ready to give up everything we have built" look back to the beginning think about the love you once felt, and if things are blurry ask yourself is the future more clear with or without that person. Nothing comes easy, love and relationships damn sure don't come easy... But in the end can either of you truly say it's not worth it. LOVE IS WHAT YOU MAKE IT!!! So do what you have to do to make the best of it.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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