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About Me

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Northridge, California, United States
I only appear to be here, I really live in a world of my own.


Thursday, April 8, 2010

Flawed Introduction

My brother EL said it best, "becareful what you introduce into your relationship because, once you make the mistake and call someone a BITCH, they will forever identify themselves as one through your eyes". I had to add that because it's the realest thing present in our generation today. The respect factor that our parents and grandparents had in their day has been lost in times of today's children of tomorrow. The word "Bitch" today is almost used as if it was a damn vowel. Now before y'all bash me let me be honest, I myself use the word like it's a frequent luxury but in no way do I feel it's right. I honestly have no idea why I say it, so I guess that's why I'm writing this now, in order to change there has to be a moment where you are willing to identify the problem and commence the change. For me that time is now, this is that moment. I say this directly to the males... Stop and think about what it is you are doing, what you are saying to the person you find as a friend, lover, or even family member. Now think down the line, when the next man feels he can call your daughter a "Bitch" or maybe your wife... Is it ok for them like you feel it is for you? Probably land yourself in jail behind someone finding the balls to say it huh? Now you can take it how you want it but on the contrary to what most dipshit people say. I do believe What you do today will and probably has already had or is currently changing your tomorrow. Everyone uses that horrible ass cliché "Do on to others as you would have them do on to you" smh I say SCREW that it's a lot of sick people out there and just keeping it 100 i'm not into all the shit their into. So I say this... "Treat each person with respect atleast give them a chance to mess up before you judge them. Everyone is human and each and everyone of us is a different degree of stupid". A little time is all we need unfortunately some more than others. If your girl/man name is _______ use it don't make the mistake of using an explicit to fill that blank... We need a dose of the past and I'm not talking about slave days... Treat your loved one with respect, otherwise they may not be there the next tine you really need them!!!

- Only the man can change the man, you are all just spectators