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About Me

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Northridge, California, United States
I only appear to be here, I really live in a world of my own.


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Ol' Independent ass

The emotions of the female mind, body, and heart run similar to that of a roller coaster, but for a consistant 24hrs a day, 365 days of the year. The female emotions are not, nor will they ever be predictable. Women are creatures unlike any other, yes they eat, they shit rarely with us around lol but they do it nontheless. And they damn sure sleep like most everyone of us but their individual strength and will to be unique is like no other. Women are single handedly the most complex species known to man, and none more complex than a independent woman. Now I have to admit men typically don't like a difficult woman but it's mainly due to the fact that we just want to be in control 90% of the time. But for the most part a woman with her head on straight, with goals and ambitions will in our eyes outshine whatever that level of difficulty is. Ladies please understand this, nothing and I mean nothing is more sexy than your mind. Be sure of this looks will fade, the body will slowly begin to sag and wrinkle from what it once was, but as they say "the mind is always the last to go". A beautiful mind goes a long way, but please don't mak the mistake and belittle the one you love behind it. It's fine to be smart and independent, but there is a fine line between being independent and pushing everyone away because you feel you don't need them. Common mistake from ladies, many of you women feel men have no feelings nor do they care about how you see them... YOUR WRONG men like to feel they are wanted just as much as women do, we may not show it but trust we like to know that our significant other needs us. We are a lot more simple than what meets the eye what can I say we are men, we are suppose to be the strong one in the relationship or atleast that's the stereotype... And don't say that's not true because when we show signs of not being the strong one women never hesitate to put it clear line of sight how weak we are. Men do have feelings ladies don't forget that no matter how much a man tries to act like he's untouchable!!! After all chances are he's just trying to be an Ol' independent ass dude to match his Ol' independent ass woman. PAY ATTENTION... It's always more to it than what meets the eye!!!

I gotta ask this, if your reading this hit me on Twitter with your answer!!! "I've learned a lot of times a independent woman for some reason comes with a lot of PRIDE... Why is that?" GET AT ME WITH RESPONSES you know where I be, same place, same name WIZZ holla at me

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